Category Archives: James


Hey, I’m James. This is my first blog post. Here goes nothing.

Are you a Zombie Christian?


I am a Zombie Christian. At least I seem to feel like the walking dead just about every single waking moment of my existence as I’m going through the motions of life, whether I’m slinging coffee at work, hanging out with friends, sitting in church when I actually make it to church, or just sitting at home, it seems like the only thing I feel, is out of touch. Yet have no fear…I’m not going to eat you. I’m painting you a picture of my spiritual state and my ever-growing numbness that plagues me like the T-Virus (Resident Evil reference). It plagues me because I deprive myself of the very thing that I need, and we as Christians need the most. Communion with God.

This happens when you don’t stay in The Word and begin to talk and listen to God less and less. Slowly you go from less and less to not at all. Eventually you don’t even feel conviction, or even conviction about not feeling conviction. Some days you think about God and His unfailing love for not, but a second, and you can’t even muster up the slightest feeling of alleviation. That is where I’m at as of late, and have been for quite some time. It’s pretty much the same concept with food and water. If you deprive yourself of those two things it takes a huge toll on your body, and your mind. That being said, it really puts into perspective John 6:35, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.”

In this world of saving face, I feel that we as Christians need to be completely honest with one another on where we’re at, and stop trying to hide what’s going on within ourselves. Hiding our true sin natures. Too many times we as a church tend to wear a mask, and pretend like everything is A OK, when in reality we are completely at rock bottom. That’s the kind of environment I grew up in my entire life. Keeping up appearances was the name of the game. Whoever is the most spiritual wins. Whoever can pray the most impeccable prayer is the one you should model yourself after. Forget modeling after, oh I don’t know…Jesus. What has happened to come as you are? Jesus meets you right where you’re at, and He died for you in your worst moment, not your best. “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”-Romans 5:8. He can fix you if you let Him. I’m finally getting to the point where I am letting Him again. Honestly, I truly miss Him finally, and I want to be close to Him again. Everything outside of Jesus is death. I’ve experienced too much of this world to stay on this path for too much longer. I know if I do I will not truly live, and surely die. I’m sick of going through life as a Zombie.