Category Archives: Julia

Heat the house and thank the Lord.

I love the sound of the heater clicking on.  Silly as it sounds, this is how I realized that I absolutely love Autumn.  It is a fact that every fall, without fail, I buy hoards of cooking magazines and cook up a storm.  I actually rarely buy magazines most of the year, except for August through November.  I get giddy when the crisp air tickles my nose and I have to run back inside for a coat.  I feel myself internally grabbing a blanket for warmth and storing up my enthusiasm and hope for the winter.

I love what Steven just posted.  It’s so true, isn’t it?  We worship irregardless of what we claim.  Humanity seems to gravitate towards worshiping what is most inspiring or healing, but usually to his or her detriment.  We long after what makes us happy or soothes our pain.  I find this time of year especially, I am in a state of bliss.  My heart is all chipper in its infatuation with what brings me happiness and self-worth.  I’m anticipating the whirlwind of school, finishing house projects, and cooking my next supper.  If I were to lose these things, especially my attachment to education, I would absolutely struggle in my sense of self-worth.  Not that any of these things are bad, but they can so quickly become insidious.  Am I defined by my intelligence or accomplishments?  Or is it how well I keep my home?  Or is it food that will satisfy?  Perhaps I will eat to happiness.  Each of these things I must continuously examine and put in it’s place.

It is my understanding that God put these things in me and that they are intended to bring me and others joy.  I almost feel His joy when I smell bolognese simmering on the stove-top.  Or when I am knee-deep in research for a class paper.  These things can in and of themselves be worship of Him as I offer them as gratitude for life.  A zeal to enjoy what I was given.  They don’t define me, but they are a part of my life that I am thankful for.  Through this perspective, hopefully I can draw more from the source of my value instead of making these things the source of my value.

This was just my thoughts this morning over my cup of coffee.  My word for the day: Avidity.

Introduction: Julia


Well, I live here too.  I am married to Andrew, the guy posting all about occupy wallstreet.  Community living is something that resonates with me: my values and personality.  Perhaps I’ll talk more about that some other day.

I arrived home last night from two weeks away.  I spent that time caring for (and stressing over) my mother after her 1st craniotomy.  Staying in Hollister with my in-laws, although a blessing and joy to be with, was rough after a few days.  I’m thankful to be home.  I’m doing my best to fight displacing stress into controlling my environment.  Living in community means letting go more and rolling with how others shape my environment, and the way I live.  I feel angry in the face of relinquishing my desire to control, and yet underneath the frustration I am truly grateful.  I’m still learning to share so many years after my mother first taught me how.  This apparently is a tough one for me to comprehend.

My first post has turned out to be short.  I am tired from traveling and ready to cozy into my home and catch up on the lives of my housemates and friends.